Tuesday, March 8, 2011

a few of my favorite things.

i now remember it snows every other day in march.
come on spring...

"what if our only motive was love?
motives mean everything."
-Elder Osguthorpe

my mom sends me comics in the mail.
yesterday she sent one that included a manatee.
[that's my favorite animal.]

"a poster of jimmer is in our pench next to the Prophet -- jimmer fever is going on in argentina baby."
-hermana collins

i'm making pigs in a blanket for dinner.

"less awkward > more awkward"
[mine and nick's equation of the week.]

best fhe ever last night.  
we laughed a lot, sang at the top of our lungs in the car, and played funny games.

"for exercise we learned to two step to efy songs."
-derek asay

so maybe it's an awful hair day.
but you can't win them all...

"...like a handful of balloons."
-books on tapeworm
[ciera and her band practiced at our place last night.  
it was so pleasant.]

happy tuesday.

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