Monday, February 28, 2011

good day utah.

you know who's happy?
this girl.
-byu is ranked 3. THREE.
[i'm so stoked. insert fist punch in the air.]
march madness will blow me away this year.
i can feel it.
-good conversations are just good.
and yesterday i had some good conversations.
-we had ward prom this weekend.
i'll admit, i was very apprehensive.
but it was a success and way fun.
and i was even told by a nice young man,
"you look like a princess."
[you might not be aware but it's a life goal to be cinderella at disneyland for a day.]
-i had a corn dog at nick's and laughed with his roommates.
and after, accidentally sent one of them the most embarrassing text of my whole life.
-one of my best friends is home.
he also bought a tennis racket so we can go play.
i love having my friends home. and playing tennis.
-did i mention i LOVE college basketball?
[and yes, i read espn articles for fun.]
-i've also given up facebook for the past almost 6 days.
longest time ever and i'm quite pleased.
-conference talks rock my life.
[find tons here.]
-oh, and i finally went to the grocery store.
so now i'm not starving.
and i don't have to go to nick's to eat his cereal.

happy monday.


Sydney said...

oh ash. i love you. and your blog. you are great. can we play tennis sometime this summer? i looooooooooove you!

kylee said...

lets be princesses together. when i was in middle school that was definitely one of my dream jobs [all of which revolved around disneyland] to be a disneyland princess. way to rock the facebook goal i set for myself but failed at!