Wednesday, July 30, 2008

the walter children slept as dad drove and drove and drove and drove...

here are some things i've learned so far on my trip:
church sites are AMAZING!
i have a much greater respect for those who came before us, they had so much faith and sacrificed so much.
i wish mating was like fireflies...all i'd have to do is make my rear light up.
a Disney Princess coloring book does wonders for hours in the car.
when the weather man says 80% humidity it actually means 99.9% chance of breaking out.
seeing Wicked with your best friend who you will soon be leaving for college makes "For Good" a real tear jerker.
i LOVE the taylor swift CD and basically like half her songs are the story of my life right now.
no matter where you go there will be someone you know.
testimonies can be strengthened everyday.
most of the hotels we've stayed in are nicer than my "house" next year.
laughing is always fun.
double check everything before you leave your hotel room....
if you pose with a man in a hot dog suit you may just become a hotel celebrity.
always take an air freshener to your hotel. we've had to buy two.
i'm basically pro at living out of a suitcase, and i'm getting good at repacking it daily.
we have a beautiful nation.
we have an awesome church!
a nap is always good.
my parents are hilarious...especially when they find a "handsome young man" about my age.
the part i would have liked about being a pioneer would be the fun dancing and the bonnets.
i have a love for t-shirts.
white shoes never stay white.
i'm getting married in the temple.
families rock!

alright so these are just some things i've learned or relearned while i've been gone! we've been having a blast and have about 20 hours of driving ahead of us! =0) i honestly could go on for hours but i'm super tired. i'll post some pictures when i get a chance though. peace and love.

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