Monday, September 13, 2010

sunday thoughts.

yesterday we were able to hear from some leaders and apostles at a regional conference and fireside.
they said some pretty awesome things.
i felt the Holy Ghost.
and i was taught some things i need to do.
here are a few of my favorite thoughts:

"remember to do the good things."
"why are we reluctant to use the gift of the Holy Ghost? 
He can show us all things that we should do."
{Elder Steven E. Snow}

"you're doing better than you think you are.
but we could be doing better."
"if we weren't struggling we wouldn't be drawing closer to our Heavenly Father. 
we wouldn't need the Spirit."
"don't be fearful, just have faith."
"prioritize the simple things Heavenly Father's asked us to do. 
that will align us with His plan."
"don't let the computer be such a distraction. 
use it as a tool to make your home a better place."
{Sister Julie B. Beck}

"all times will be challenging and God will be with us at all times."
"you do things because you have faith that this is the truth,
and when you're called you go."
"pray a little more,
study a little more,
enjoy nature,
quiet nights,
beautiful mornings
...these things will make your faith deeper. 
and when you need that faith you will be able to pull it from deep down within."
{Elder Jeffrey R. Holland}

"make wherever you are living a haven of peace,
a home where the Spirit can dwell."
"seek to know the will of Heavenly Father by the Holy Spirit. 
He knows what's best for you."
{Elder Richard G. Scott}

and i think the one that i loved the most was this that Elder Scott read from his wife's journal. 
she was really sick and wrote this a short while before she died.
"i want to dance as the sun streams in and shout through the house,
'i love being alive.'"

i agree.
i love being alive.


kylee said...

loved everything about this post. thank you for sharing miss.

Stacy said...

you captured everything beautifully and I love being alive too!