Sunday, September 18, 2011

what i did this weekend:

-laughed really hard that they put this on fiber bars.
-froze [and had fun] at a hockey game.
-ate pizza really late.
-studied hard. [and rocked my first test.]
-had my parents do my laundry.
-went to pita pit with the fam.
-had my long lost pair of underwear returned.
[my mom sent it down. didn't even know it was missing.]
-watched us get killed in that football game. embarrassing.
[please note that this picture was taken that short time we were still winning.]
-slept through my meeting. really embarrassing.
-read this and this.
-had a hilariously great phone call with my mom.
-and ate waffles with ice cream.

1 comment:

kylee said...

waffles & ice cream. oh my yummmm. add some strawberries & warm syrup and you have yourself a breakfast for champs.