Monday, April 25, 2011

day in the life.

remember how i'm a senior in college?
oh yeah, that's old.
at home this weekend mom discussed the laws of flirting.
"the advanced college version of poking"
after i told her poking was so middle school.
i was endlessly poked all weekend.
ciera convinced me to clip her fingernails.
...still trying to figure that one out.
my phone has been on the fritz.
i told my dad if i didn't get a new phone soon i was breaking off the family plan,
and taking addison and grandpa with me.
he called it operation phone coup.
i should be getting a new phone by the end of the week.
we also discussed what my children will call my parents.
when i have children, that is.
we're thinking "g-dub" for grandma and "moshi moshi" for grandpa.
my mom said she'd teach my children to stanky legg.
i told her that was fine but no saggy pants or abnormally large chains please.
feeling sick after easter dinner?
i either ate too many cadburry eggs or the rough memories of easter 2009 got to me.
sometimes i'm inspired by blogs for hours.
probably because i now have ten extra hours at work with nothing to do but blog stalk.
maybe it's a little ridiculous, but i just want to sew and craft and do cutesy things all day.
i spent my whole lunch break in the card and journal section at the bookstore.
my favorite gifts?
blank cards and beautiful journals.
[that's just an fyi.]
i'm looking to make a really good list of books to read this summer.
[you may remember the extra hours at work with nothing to do as previously mentioned.]
[and you can only re-read harry potter so many times before it gets embarrassing.]
please give me some suggestions?

have a happy monday.


Stacy said...

Paranormalcy. Read it.

Brissa said...

beth and i decided to be crafty crafty this summer too! it's going to be awesome, i can't wait to see what you're going to make?
i love that your mom is going to teach your kids the stanky legg. moshi moshi? genius.
where do you work that you get to stalk for 10 hours? lucky.
ummmm...let's be crafty friends?

:: ashley :: said...

its not old ! its SO fun, live it up while you can ;)