Wednesday, April 21, 2010

sophomore year.

some things i accomplished this year:
-faced my fears of heights (somewhat)
-danced on the table in the library (in a study room of course)
-perfected the art of the claw machine (not completely perfect)
-got a C on every test i've taken in the testing center (fall semester-except for sewing)
-built an intense fort (i basically lived in it)
-made some pretty great friends (including my roomies whom i love)
-did not starve (close call sometimes, but i survived)
-made some amazing inside jokes (banana)
-figured out who i am (more so)
-applied for things that i usually wouldn't have (efy and facs club officer)
-remembered why i love my major (because it's fun)
-learned that everyone needs a friend (just be nice)
-exercised more (thanks debbie)
-got a raise (boo yah)
-learned about being a good person (from great examples)
-changed my way of thinking (for some things)
-decided that life can always be good (if we choose to)

thanks to everyone who inspired me, changed me, helped me, and most importantly loved me.
YOU have changed my life and i thank you for it.

1 comment:

Kelsy said...

you're afraid of heights?