Sunday, October 21, 2007


Well, I found this quote today in the Church News that I'd like to share:
"Great challenges make great men. We don't seek tribulation, but if we respond in faith, the Lord strengthens us."
-Elder Dennis E. Simmons (2004 General Conference)

Although these past two months or so have probably been the hardest in my life, I think I've come to learn so many things. It's amazing how dumb I have been in not spending time with family when I had the opportunity, or doing it begrudgingly. I've come to realize that family is what it's all about, on earth and in the eternities. Each member is a gluestick that can bind us together and to the Lord through the rough times. =0) These people in our lives is a way the Lord will strenghten us. That is why they are here with us. Love them like you mean it!

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